
Why is KCL pill better than bananas & oranges for low potassium?

The word ‘Potassium” derives from “Potash” which was named so since it was prepared by evaporating ashes of wood in a large pot. So even the term ‘potassium’ tells you that plants are good sources. While bananas & oranges are always mentioned as rich potassium sources – potatoes, spinach, jackfruits, kiwis, etc are much better sources. Little surprise then that in fast food demographic, hypokalemia is common.

A nurse once asked me, “Doc why waste money on meds ? why don’t we give our patient bananas or something ?”. Here’s why:

  1. Fruits & veggies are low in potassium, which is actually lucky for us, otherwise they would taste nasty. A medium banana has about 12 MeQ of potassium. To raise potassium levels from 3.0 ot 4.0 would mean giving a total of around 100 MeQ potassium – like I have covered here. Can we expect a sick patient to eat 8-9 bananas ? Most of our sick patients have low or no appetite or have nausea.
  2. The potassium in natural foods exists in the form of potassium citrate, phosphate, etc – not potassium chloride (KCL). Though both are absorbed well, our bodies retain potassium from KCL almost twice as better compared to citrate.
  3. Usually the acute causes for low Potassium are accompanied by Chloride losses (diarrhea, diuresis, emesis), so KCL has double benefits !

Thus, In a acute care / hospital setting, KCL is more practical, effecient and faster than fruits or vegetables for treating hypokalemia. Of course, on a outpatient basis, people with low potassium can certainly be advised to include potassium rich foods in diets

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