Let me just say the term “fasting” in Intermittent fasting (IF) has a low-key negative vibe and can turn-off some people – with patients I prefer using the more technically correct term : Time-restricted feeding ( TRF ). There is an unending debate on whether IF / TRF is better or worse than other forms of dieting such as portion-control, watching macros, keto-diet, paleo diet etc. as well issues such as plateauing, long term sustainability, muscle mass loss. However the debate often misses the point that much of weight loss is a mind game & TRF can get your patients doing something immediately instead of fretting over complex diet regimens , paralysis by analysis and doing nothing.
Here are top reasons why as a physician I still advise time-restricted feeding to patients who can benefit from weight loss:
- It is simple ! Tracking time is wayyy easier than tracking calories. Being in and out of TRF, I use the “Zero” app (the time-tracking part is free and effective)
- It is actionable immediately. They can start right away, needs no special or fancy diet preps or even changes in what they eat initially , just track the time !
- When done right it starts showing results immediately with daily drop in weight.
- It has shown to also improve mood and ‘energy’. That is a big one if you want to eventually adopt healthy active lifestyles
- It becomes self-motivating top continue the fitness journey once they start seeing immediate & early results.
- It saves money since it essentially makes you skip a meal
- It has proven benefits in helping with reducing blood pressure, improving cholesterol and diabetes control
- I do it myself, advice carries more credence when you follow it yourself.
This being said, I include these tips for success with TRF:
- Always warn them that the first two weeks can be a little challenging with hunger & cravings but they can make it easier with the following.
- Eat the same diet that you always did for the first month and make slow changes eliminating refined diets & sugary drinks as you see results.
- Fasting does not have be absolute, can include ‘mini-cheating’ or ‘dirty fasting’ at least initially. Very low or zero-calorie snacks and some fun & distracting activity during fasting window to make it tolerable and sustainable. Sips of water, Coffee or tea without sugar and minimal creamer, green tea are examples. If they keep snacking to 100 calories or less , it is still a win
- Start with a 14-hour eating window, then gradually get it down to an 8-hour eating window in 1-2 weeks
- Choosing a eating window that includes evening dinner is more sustainable long term since socializing tends to occur during evenings
- Include more veggies and fiber in the last meal before fasting period starts – since they take longer to digest and delay hunger.
- If on diabetic meds, first visit with your diabetes-managing provider to discuss medication adjustment prior to TRF journey
- Join online social media groups on Facebook or follow the Intermittent Fasting subreddit to find continued motivation and advice from other people doing in.
P.S: Dr. Jason Fung is the world’s leading expert on Intermittent fasting and anti-aging studies, his book on Intermittent fasting is worth a read.
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