The world of Information Tech seeps into every known domain of business. Who knew a tech-enabled Uber taxi service would become so integrated into society & culture that it has it’s own health section! Uber recently announced partnering with a pharmacy delivery service to provide same-day medication delivery service in 37 states. A great number of patients simply don’t pick-up their medications from pharmacy – either pharmacy is too far, or they are feeling lazy & tired or just busy during pharmacy hours. Also imagine suffering from social anxiety and having to go to a pharmacy full of people to go pick up your medication! Or imagine being sick & weak and have a doctor over telemedicine prescribe you meds that you are too weak too go pick up yourself.
This news by itself is not ground-breaking – drone-delivery for medications was announced last year already. Doordash offers this too to an extent. But Uber is already used ubiquitously and is well known. This is a good, useful option for patients and could make it cheaper by crowding the prescription drug delivery space with more competition. And truth be told, who wouldn’t want to be able to order their statin medication to go along with their order of a big fat juicy burger 😉
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