Here are some commonly mispelt medical terms, test your spelling powers !
Are these the correct spellings ? Answer Yes or No ð
wow 100% Nerd !! Looks like someone needs to find other things to do – like get a life ðĪŠð
It’s never too late to nerd up ðð
#2. Callous
Callous means ‘careless’
But the medical term that implies thickened area of skin on palms and soles is spelt as ‘Callus’
#3. Diabetus
Contrary to how some people might pronouce it, it is actually spelt ‘Diabetes’
#4. Prostate
‘Prostate’ is the correct spelling, this term is often confused with ‘Prostrate’ which means to lay stretched out on the ground with one’s face downward
#5. Cirhossis
It is spelt ‘Cirrhosis’ with two R’s
#6. Cronh’s
H before N ! Crohn’s !