A Chronic wound is like a nasty guest that overstays its welcome! Merely dressing it ain’t enough. Hospitals have inpatient wound care teams & outpatient wound care clinics, but clinicians should know what factors help such wounds heal faster and accordingly guide their patients. “Wound-VAC” or Negative pressure Wound Therapy has become a common add-on to help wounds shrink & heal faster. I use the term “WOUND VAC” to help me remember would-healing factors!
W – Weight-bearing restrictions
O – Oxygen therapy consideration (HBO or Hyperbaric Oxygen)
U – Underlying bone infected? Don’t miss Osteomyelitis
N – Nicotine abstinence, Nutrition Improvement
D – Diabetes control improvement, Debride infected & necrotic tissue
V – Vascular health (Screen for arterial disease, improve venous edema)
A – Anemia correction, Antibiotics for infection control
C – Cigarette Smoking cessation, Collagen Powder supplementation
P.S: These are based on the consensus statement from 2021 meeting of the Wound Healing Foundation
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