We know the regular bars & even hookah bars – but have you heard of ‘Oxygen Bars‘ – yes these recreational oxygen bars exist! On the medical side, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has found use in cases such as Carbon Monoxide poisoning, air embolism, various wounds, etc., and more areas are being researched for use. High Oxygen content helps improve healing, kill bacteria, and flush out toxic gases.
Side-effects, though rare, are something clinical providers need to know, so that recognition is easy if they occur. A lady with a diabetic foot ulcer and osteomyelitis returned to her room all shaky & irritable after her HBOT session. I requested a bedside glucose check ( we regard blood glucose as a vital sign) which came back low at 68! She was better after correcting it 😎.
Even if you do not administer HBOT yourself, it’s worthwhile to remember HBOT issues as it’s use becomes more common. HBOT side-effects are classified as Pressure-related (or Barotrauma) and Oxygen-Toxicity related. Here’s my easy mnemonic to remember the side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy: “HBOT”
H – Hypoglycemia (High tissue oxygen increases metabolism)
B – Barotrauma – Remember all head orifices: Nose(Sinus), Eyes, Ears, Mouth(Lungs)
O – Oxygen Toxicity Seizures (OTS)
T – Tinnitus, Tunnel Vision, Twitching, Tantrums (oxygen neuromuscular toxicity)
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