
Mnemonic : Side Effects of Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs

NSAIDs (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs) are a Godsent but regular or inappropriate use is a double-edged weapon. Not warning of risks or prescribing in inappropriate settings, or excessive & prolonged doses puts you in the crosshairs of malpractice lawsuits. Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay 10 million dollars for a Steven Johnson’s reaction to Ibuprofen. Excessive NSAIDs causing serious bleeding resulted in a lawsuit. Malpractice lawyers are always scanning for NSAID misuse in high-risk patients. So don’t be an easy target !

While telling patients or teaching medical students about their dangers, I use “IBUPROF” from the well- known ibuprofen to help them remember the risks of chronic use:

💡 Mnemonic for Side-effects of NSAIDS: “IBUPROF”:

IInfarcts of heart & brain (MI & strokes) in high CV risk group
BBleeding & Bruising
UUlcers of both upper & lower GI tracks
PPregnancy contraindication, Pressure elevation (BP/HTN)
RRenal Failure, Rashes (including Steven Johnson Syndrome)
OObstruction of bowel due to ‘Diaphragm disease
FFluid retention (due to sodium retention, makes CHF worse)

Short-term usage is fine if not contraindicated, for longer term consider alternatives such as a Acetaminophen + Methocarbamol !

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