
Help constipated patients CRAP without pills

I was mighty tickled to know that a company called “Vibrant Gastro” has made a vibrating pill for constipation that you can swallow and track with an mobile app and then literally shake the crap 💩 out of yourself ! 🤔🤔😂….and FDA approval might happen soon.

Until then, here is a mnemonic I use to remember cheap, non-pharmacological ‘treatments’ to prevent / treat constipation in hospitalized patients naturally & reduce laxative medications on their hospital bills. Besides, a study recently published on American Academy of Neurology showed increased risk of dementia in people using laxatives regularly !

CCoffee + Chug lotsa water ! (warm is more effective, make it happen first thing in the morning)
RRoughage in diet (fiber) + Review & Replace or Reduce constipating meds (Narcotics, anti-cholinergics, iron pills, etc.)
AAmbulate fast not slow, and often. (I tell my patients – ‘When the legs move, your bowels move’)
PPrune Juice (contains natural sorbital that can act fast to help poop). If they dislike it, Apple juice is a another less effective option (also works via natural sorbitol)

P.S: 💡:

  1. These measures are especially helpful in patients taking laxatives at home regularly, since they tend to be more prone to constipation on hospitalization
  2. They also are helpful to people with partial bowel obstructions who are tolerating liquds for diet – except no salads until obstruction resolves of course !
  3. Patients often get a chuckle when you write this mnemonic on their whiteboard – one of them thanked me “for all the CRAP I advised” 😅

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