I was mighty tickled to know that a company called “Vibrant Gastro” has made an FDA-Approved vibrating pill for constipation that you can swallow and track with a mobile app and then literally shake the crap 💩 out of yourself! 😂
Here is a fun mnemonic I use to advise easy lifestyle changes to prevent or treat constipation naturally without medications and save money. This also reduces risk of complications of constipation such as diverticulitis, hemorrhoids (piles) & bowel obstructions. A study published by American Academy of Neurology also showed an increased risk of dementia in people using laxatives regularly! (probably an association, not a causation)
C – Coffee + Chug lotsa water! (warm is more effective, a good habit first thing in the morning)
R – Roughage in diet (fiber) + Review & Replace & Reduce constipating meds (Narcotics, anticholinergics, iron pills, etc.)
A – Ambulate (walk) – fast not slow, & often – when legs move, your bowels move!
P – Prune Juice (contains natural sorbitol that helps poop). Dislike Prune juice? then do Apple juice (less effective but also works via natural sorbitol)
S – Squatty-Potty to achieve more effective pooping posture (Proof 1, Proof 2)
P.S: 💡:
- These measures are beneficial in patients taking laxatives at home regularly since they tend to be more prone to constipation on hospitalization
- They also are helpful to people with partial bowel obstructions who are tolerating liquids for diet – except no salads until obstruction resolves of course!
- Patients often get a chuckle when you write this mnemonic on their whiteboard – one of them thanked me “for all the CRAP I advised” 😅
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