Career InsightsInterviews

From Hospitalist To Nephrologist : Kwabena Kwakye, MD

For many physicians fresh out of Internal Medicine residency, being a Hospitalist is a fun journey to find yourself and figure out which specialty you like. For Dr. Kwakye (Pronounced ‘Kwaa-Chi’) the realization that Nephrology was his calling came after a few years of navigating the Hospitalist & Geriatrician life. Here are some career insights from him in this interview

Can you tell us about your journey from Hospitalist to Nephrologist?

Great question! It has certainly been a process for me! My interests after residency were pulmonary/critical care and nephrology. While working as a hospitalist (which I really enjoyed !), it became clear that I enjoyed any pathology that involved the humble but hardworking kidneys. The key for me was staying focused on building experiences as an academic hospitalist and applying for fellowships at the right time. Unfortunately, the pandemic and a few things in my life that needed sorting out, delayed my timing but I’m glad I eventually pulled the trigger.  

What do you think helped you land a Nephrology Fellowship?

I think the key things were the various academic and clinical experiences I pursued and diligently updating my CV each year to be competitive enough when I applied. This included my decision to complete a Geriatric fellowship and I have to say that during this fellowship, I worked quite hard on my CV.

What does your typical work-day look like as a Nephrology fellow ?

Well, my day depends on the rotation. For example, if I am on Inpatient consults, I get to the hospital at 7 AM, have an in-depth review of all patients to see that day, and then touch base with my residents/interns/medical students to make sure everything will be ready for rounds at 10 AM. We also see new consults either before ward rounds or in the afternoon. In the afternoons, if necessary, we review the slides on renal biopsies with our renal pathologist or spin urine samples we collect for better decision-making. Most days, I typically leave by 5 PM. If I am on the transplant service or vascular access rotation, I get to leave a little earlier say around 4 PM!

How nervous were you on Day One ?

Oh my! I was very nervous (honestly, I didn’t sleep well the night before and kept checking my clock so I wouldn’t be late lol) . I started with the consult service in a very busy metropolitan hospital using an EMR I wasn’t too familiar with but the attending I work with was extremely supportive! I will never forget that !

Anything unexpected or surprising you found about Nephrology?

Yes – that is a pretty cool, fulfilling, very intellectually stimulating profession that feeds my nerdy side and offers an excellent opportunity to build a rapport and trust with your patients over time in the outpatient setting. While working as a hospitalist, this rapport had to be built over a very short time which is often challenging.

What do you value most and what do you find most challenging in your new career?

The thing I value the most is the fulfillment/peace I have in doing what I do every day. The most challenging thing is making sure that I have answers all the time for the physicians who consult us from different settings. Not having the right answer can have significant implications for patient care in the clinics or one the inpatient side.

Any advice for Hospitalists or residents who might consider transitioning to Nephrology?

Just go for it and don’t believe everything you hear about nephrology when it comes to compensation or job market! Things are changing! Go for it and plan your application and CV

If not in healthcare, what profession would you be in?

I would have been a pilot for sure! No questions/doubts about that! Maybe in my next life….. swap my stethoscope for cool avaitors, a hat & a shirt with wings!

Any fun side-gigs or side-hustles?

My first year of fellowship was quite engaging so nothing yet but this second year I will be probably be looking into finding some side hustles versus exploring my city more! We will see!

If you had to choose one superpower, what would it be ?

Hmmmm … probably teleporting so I can always quick go see my loved ones who are not with me right now; miss them so much!

Anything you claim bragging rights on?

Lol, just saying that I probably might have been the best cornhole player amongst my group of friends I played with? They may disagree but…….🤣

Coffee person or Tea person?  

Tea for sure!

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