
DVT Risk factors : “THROMBUS” mnemonic

If I got paid a dollar for each time I hear the word DVT at work as a Hospitalist – boy would I be living off that passive income moolah ! Let’s quickly look how ‘THROMBUS‘ can help you recall risk / triggers of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) that you should review in your admitted patients for risk and also patients with DVTs / Pulmonary Embolism (PEs) to help evaluate their possible provoking factors to reduce risk of recurrence or embolism & decide treatment duration.

TTravel, Trauma
HHypercoagulable states & History** of past DVT
RRenal Failure esp. Nephrotic type
OOral Contraceptive Pills (Only if fairly recently started), Obesity
MMalignancy & Medications [HIT from Heparin, Steroids, Tamoxifen, etc)
B – Bedridden and Sedentary
UUterus – reminds you of Pregnancy !! Ulcerative colitis & Crohns
SSurgery, Shooting drugs in Veins (IV Drug abuse)

** Once a DVT patient, always a risk of being a future DVT patient …so try not to get a DVT 😉

P.S. Post-surgery DVT / PEs that were not prevented with standard DVT – prophylaxis or missed on diagnosis resulting in injury or death is a common lawsuit physicians face. Writing “DVT prophylaxis ordered” on progress notes and not actually ordering it is surprisingly common – as in this unfortunate case of celebrity kid winner of Jeopardy TV show who died after colon surgery for Ulcerative colitis with a PE !

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