
Which Skin Tags predict Diabetes, High BP & High Cholesterol ?

We have all seen Skin Tags (or ‘Achrocordons’) – those small, skin-colored, fleshy tumors that look like stuck pieces of skin in areas of skin-folds (neck, armpits, etc,). Besides being a cosmetic nuisance they have a clinical significance. Several studies, like these in 1987, 2007, 2015, and this good review of past studies done in 2017, find a decent correlation to pre-diabetes & diabetes, especially if they are : 1. Numerous AND 2. If present on the neck (and also under breast for women). They also correlate to Hypertension & High cholesterol – in other words multiple skin tags are a marker of Metabolic syndrome and underlying Insulin resistance. A single skin tag here and there ? Not so much.

As clinicians, it is worth remembering this clinical utility of skin tags. I check a diabetes-screening Hemoglobin-A1C level (HgB-A1C) and Lipid Panel in such patients (if never done or not done within last 6-12 months). If not frank diabetes, I often find pre-diabetes and dyslipidemia (abnormally high cholesterol levels) ! Even if these levels are normal, I still tell advise them this can be a warning signal from their bodies to watch out for future Diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol issues. That opens up motivation for them for weight loss, healthier eating, exercise and if applicable, meds for treatment.

And no – removing skin tags does not get rid of diabetes risk 🤣

Learning point 💡:

Patients with multiple skin tags, especially on the neck area have a statistically higher risk of underlying pre-diabetes, diabetes, hypertension & dyslipidemia or can serve as a warning for future risk. Check a Hb-A1C level & Lipid panel if not done before or in the last 6-12 months and advise regular checks & counselling regarding weight loss, diet, exercise, etc.

P:S: If the above study articles hide behind a paywall, read how to ‘hack’ paid medical articles using to read for free

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