Continuing with the mission of this blog to simplify & quicken clinical work & study, let’s see how good is the free version of ChatGPT in creating a discharge summary on the fly, using just the last progress note for a patient. In other words we ask instruct ChatGPT to modify a SOAP note from the day before the discharge date and make it look like a discharge summary.
This is the prompt I used to convert an imaginary patient progress (SOAP) note into a discharge summary in seconds:
“You are an experienced veteran physician fluent in American English. Create a concise discharge summary from the following Medical SOAP note. Enlist actively managed problems as ‘Discharge Diagnoses’ on top in the descending order of criticality, followed by the hospital course in temporal sequence summarized in a single paragraph in the past tense. Mention Chronic conditions at the beginning of the hospital course after patient details as patient’s ‘past medical history’. Ignore negative review of systems and absent symptoms. Remove duplications : “
Here is a sample medical progress (SOAP) note I pasted after the prompt : (see result after)

Here’s our ChatGPT output:

Of course, the progress note shouldn’t be shi##y & should actually have enough information. Always remember to remove all patient-identifying information first while using ChatGPT.
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