
Causes of Scrotal Pain : ‘TESTIS’

Don’t mind the image choice here 😁. Today we are going to talk briefly about scrotal / testicular pain causes- coz’ every now and then a male patient will report this issue to you. Before you reflexly order an Ultrasound, give the differentials for driving history and groin exam a thought, since it may not even be a primary scrotal / testicular issue.

Recall the various causes using word “TESTIS” as a mnemonic:

TTorsion (always rule this emergency out)
SStones (Kidney stone pain can radiate to groin)
TTumor, Trauma
IInguinal Hernia , Infection (Viral/bacterial Orchitis, STDs, UTIs, Prostatitis)

P.S: Did you know the word testis is thought to be derived from the roots of testament , since it bears witness to male virility ?

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