
Are Healthcare Workers being Gaslit about “Burnout”?

When an animal is shot and bleeds to death, did it “Suffer from a bleed-out” ? No, it was shot & killed by the hunter – that’s the truth and that’s the main narrative. ‘Bleeding out’ was a natural consequence. Yet in healthcare, it feels as though the narrative has been cleverly turned on it’s head and reflected back on healthcare workers as “suffering from a burn-out” while giving the culprit workplace a pass.

With burnout being the chief narrative, the burden & focus to treat it is conveniently shifted to workers ! Indeed , hospitals and clinics have introduced interventions to ‘fix the worker’ with focus on ‘training’ on coping skills, improving mental health, team building , counselling, pizzas πŸ•, mindfulness, empathy etc. The real workplace culprits such as excessive workload, high patient to staff ratios, disruptive patients and clinicians, the burden of documentation, ever-changing rules and laws, excessive regulations, professional stagnation and superhuman expectations are either swept under the rug or unfortunately ignored. Even Pubmed search on burnout prevention and treatment is chock-full of coping strategies for healthcare workers instead of actually changing the workplace.

Why isn’t there a catchy, mainstream, meme-worthy term for the culprit workplace ? Since we are calling it burnout for providers, then would the meme “Dumpster Fire” be an appropriate official term ? Or maybe ‘Toxic Workplace Environment’ makes the cut ? Toxic workplaces need to be the main narrative. Burnout is only a symptom, not the disease. Treating cough is never the main intervention in a pneumonia, treating the infection is. Likewise treating burnout shouldn’t be the main intervention, de-toxifying the workplace should be.

It irks me that Burnout has it’s own ICD-11 code (QD85) and it’s own WHO definition . Interestingly, the WHO first called Burnout a disease, a few hours later changed it from ‘disease’ to ‘phenomenon’. This I agree with, but only because Toxic Workplace Environment is the actual disease and it absolutely needs it’s own ICD code ! Dr. Sinksy of the American Medical Association(AMA) says it right : “The best response to burnout β€œis to focus on fixing the workplace rather than focusing on fixing the worker,”. Maybe the Surgeon General’s advisory on burn out published in 2022 is a start ?

Some argue there simply isn’t enough medical staff to make a better workplace happen anymore, or “they always complain”. That reminds me of the famous quote from the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ – “If you build it, he will come” . Build a better healthcare workplace that workers actually enjoy, they will come …and stay.

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