
Causes of a Red arm or leg : Mnemonic for Differentials

No fun & fancy post intro for this one – just plain information. A red limb (with or without pain) is a common complaint you will encounter in healthcare and Cellulitis is something we think of immediately. Here are other ‘C’s to give a thought so that you don’t miss something else masquerading as cellulitis…

CCellulitis of skin
CCrepitus of Necrotizing fasciitis (missing this can get you sued)
CClot of blood
CColor staining by blood ( stasis dermatitis & hematoma)
CCrystals of Gout & Pseudogout, if redness over a joint
CChronic Osteomyelitis without ulcers can be mistaken for Cellulitis
CCracks of Bone (including stress fracture that may not have trauma history)
CCompartment syndrome
CContact Dermatitis

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