Year: 2023

Fun Stuff

How to make mundane or ‘boring’ cases matter !

Physical presence of a patient is a powerful memory maker when we read something in context.

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Mnemonic: Causes of Acute Urinary Retention

A technique to remember benign triggers to solve & prevent inability to pee that develops in inpatients

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Good To Know

The Heparin – Potassium Connection

Yet another possible cause to think about when you see an abnomal potassium value

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Mnemonic : Causes of Epigastric (Upper Abdominal) pain

Epigastric pain conjures up an image of a PUKING patient clutching their epigastric area...

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Please don’t use IV Vancomycin for treating C.Diff !! 😐

Vancomycin cross-over from Blood to intestine & vice-versa is more significant for side-effects, not treatment.

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Thiamine is nothing without Magnesium !

Thiamine-Magnesium dependence does not seem to be well known in clinical circles

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Are you a clinician indulging in “Ageism” unintentionally ?

Ageism - even though often untentional - causes real damage to health outcomes for patients.

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Does intial BP spike in strokes have diagnostic value ?

BP elevation - or not - in acute stroke, can be indicative of pathologic mechanism of stroke

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Quiz: Malnutrition by Medications !

Good to know nutrient deficiencies induced by long-term use of common medications

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Cough-induced complications: Serious but often ignored…

Why it is important for clinicians to address chronic cough more seriously !

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Is Furosemide (Lasix) Drip ‘better’ than Bolus ?

Does a Lasix drip offer more bang (or piss) for the buck ?

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Clinical News

Uber to provide same-day Medication delivery !

Uber adds a new useful service for patients

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Joints, Transfusions & Infections : The weird link !

Blood transfusions after joint replacements add a surprising risk

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Magnesium level recheck: Don’t be fooled !

A Mag level recheck done too soon after IV bolus can give you a false sense of success

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Thiamine deficiency isn’t limited to just Alcoholism

Here are other common conditions associated with Thiamine deficiency besides Alcoholism

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Iron replacement often forgotten after GI bleeds

Iron loss from bleeds is significant, while replenishment is slow.

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Mnemonic : Causes of persistent Cough

The word "HACKING" makes a good mnemonic for causes of persistent cough

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The Four types of “Dizzy” …

"Dizzy" is a blanket term that can mean different things for different people ...

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Fun Stuff

Add a app-like shortcut to this blog to your phone

An easy way to keep track of my latest blog posts on your phone !

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Does an Incentive Spirometer do Sh*t ?

Is Incentive spirometry just a gimmick or actually useful ?

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