Year: 2022


A nerdy quiz of useless medical terms

This post is useless, utterly so, since these terms are never or hardly used in modern English since they all…

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Easy Mnemonic for ACE-Inhibitor Side-effects

The first oral ACE Inhibitor was Captopril, also makes a splendid mnemonic

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The four options to treat any infection

There are only 4 things you can usually do to treat most infections

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Tylenol safe to use in Liver Cirrhosis, but …

Acetaminophen is no saint...but the myth of completely avoiding it in all liver disease needs to die

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Quiz: Know your medical spellings ?

Are these the correct spellings ? Answer Yes or No :-)

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Melena but a normal EGD ? Get nosy !

You can have true melena without a GI bleed !

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Can a tongue bite diagnose seizures ? Know where to look…

They could be diagnostic of seizures, but easy to miss !

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How eating meat skews serum creatinine in patients…

Something to be aware of to avoid misinterpreting labs !

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Preventing patients from passing out in showers

The prospect of passing out & waking up butt naked in a shower is terrifying, remember the risk in recent…

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COPD management with C.O.P.D. mnemonic

The term C.O.P.D. covers a wide range of management basics related to COPD.

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An often forgotten side-effect of Zofran

With it's benign halo it often slips under the radar.

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‘I’ for Intestines, ‘I’ for causes of diarrhea !

Most of the common causes of diarrhea 💩💩 conveniently begin with an 'I'

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Why is KCL better than bananas & oranges for Hypokalemia?

"Why waste money on meds ? why don't we give our patient bananas or something ?"

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Case: When the heart talks, are you listening ?

Sinus tachycardia can be an early SOS signal from the heart.

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A Fever is not always an Infection

A mnemonic to remember other causes of fever...

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A case of abominal pain that wasn’t

It's not just beauty than can be skin deep...

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Quiz: Guess the origins of these drug names ?

The origin of a drug name can sometimes yield useful & easy to remember info ...

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Remembering causes of Acute dyspnea easily !

A rather unorthodox way I use to quickly recall causes of acute dyspnea & hypoxia

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Why Differential Diagnosis is King !

It is a currency that buys you the right clinical questions

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Syncope : Almost fooled by Labs !

All looked normal until....

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